Here are some samples of my work.
3 Destinations Where Art History Comes Alive
History is the story of where we come from. Art history is the study of the fingerprints we leave along the way. Historical analysis is impossible without the existence of physical evidence. The strength of artwork is not in its factual accuracy, but in its ability to...
Eastern Philosophy Explained: 3 Concepts That Can Change Your Life
In the Western world, we owe a lot of our successes to the inspired thinking of some of history’s greatest minds. Philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, and John Locke illuminated our thoughts and shaped significant underpinnings of our...
How Mindfulness Can Unlock Your Creativity
Creativity is hard. It’s like, really hard, guys. That’s not a good way to start an article. Actually, creativity is really fun when the mind is properly primed. But we’ve all been there—those moments when we are in need of a creative solution, and for whatever...